How often should I feed my dog?

How often should I feed my dog?

This is often an important question raised by dog ​​lovers and dog owners. If a puppy within the first six weeks of age, puppies should be given milk at five to seven times a day. The puppy will make noise if you want to eat in general.

However, the frequency of feeding can be reduced when the dog is six to eight weeks. When the dog grows by four weeks, can start taking some solid food. Therefore, mixing solid food with water in majority and feed your puppy once or twice at the beginning and if the dog develops diarrhea, delayed after feeding.

Partly this is due to trial and error but taking some basic steps in the diet, so be careful. Supply frequency can be changed in two to three times after taking the age of eight weeks. However, if the dog is hungry, thirsty food, food supply, then once from the estimated amounts. This varies with different breeds of dogs.

However, avoid too many times in this age group of dogs. Around three to six months of age, the puppy will be teething. Therefore, the power to restrict only twice, but kind of a balanced diet should be given to dogs in this age group to avoid the deficiency based symptoms in them.

Six months to one year, try using puppy food that is commercially available. However, the first year, the food of the adult may be gradual. However, when the dog becomes a senior dog, restrict the frequency of feeding since the movements of such adult dogs are very limited for several reasons. However, the pregnant animal may be fed an extra time depending on the will of the animal and reduce the amount of food, but without compromising on food quality.

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